Note: Below are the preview images of the wallpapers and just for the representation. You can follow us on Twitter ( Google News ( YTECHB), or join us on Telegram ( for more updates. And the best thing is, that you can freely download the high-quality photo using the Google Drive link listed after the wallpaper preview. You will love using these backgrounds on your iPhone 14 Pro or on a bigger model. One collection features a big list of creative wallpapers (some of them are very cool and fun), simple gradient wallpapers, a few wallpapers to fade out the dynamic island, wallpapers of famous cartoon characters, and more. iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island Wallpapers – YMWC You’ll find the exact sources linked right after the preview of the wallpaper. After tracking a couple of communities on Reddit, Telegram, Twitter, and Unsplash for over a month, we curate 38 awesome backgrounds for your iPhone 14 Pro. Just like the previous YTECHB monthly wallpaper collection ( #YMWC), all wallpapers are in high resolution, so there’s no need to be acquainted with the pixel resolution. And the best thing is you can freely download the high-quality wallpaper on your iPhone. If you’re looking for some amazing backgrounds for your new iPhone 14 Pro or Pro Max, then you are at the right place. This month’s YMWC collection is dedicated to iPhone 14 Pro lineup, featuring 38 stunning wallpapers optimized for the dynamic island.

Today, we’re sharing a big list of wallpapers you can use to embrace the dynamic island. And this new Dynamic Island can make the phone look great by applying some cool wallpapers that fit the dynamic island. Turning the notch into a software implementation is a great move by Apple. Apple turns the pill-shaped camera cutout into a cool software feature. Dynamic Island is one of the most hyped features on the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max.